Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Here he is!

Ok so everyone has been giving me crap about not posting on Connor yet. I have just been completely wrapped up in spending all my time with him and any extra time I get is spent working so blogging has been far from the top of my to do list!

Anyways, we are absolutely in love with the little guy! He is an AMAZING baby. So sweet and mellow! THANK YOU! I could definitely spend every minute of the day just holding him and staring at every little movement he makes.


Dallin and Ashley said...

So cute!!!! congrats!!!

Kristi & Austin said...

LOve him! I need to come see him again, he is probably huge compared to when I saw him in the hospital!

Carie said...

That last picture of him looks so much like Jon did! He sure is a cutie!