Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The beginning...

So the other night Jon and I went to dinner with Brian and Liesl. I noticed Koston was wearing an outfit that Connor had at home....

We went back to our house and and ourselves a photo shoot. Connor's outfit is a little big for him but we made it work. They were actually pretty cooperative considering all that was going on around them ( all four of us saying, "Connor, Koston, Hey bud, Look at mom, smile, over here" all paired with silly sounds and baby voices) Not to mention it was almost impossible to keep them from watching TV! They are both definite mini versions of their Dads!

This is for sure the beginning of a great friendship!


Friday, February 12, 2010

Getting big and visit from Grandpa

Connor is growing like crazy! It is breaking my heart to know that he won't always be this sweet little baby. He loves holding his head up and showing how strong he is getting. He's starting to talk and loves to smile! He also loves bath time. I get more joy from this boy each and everyday!

This past week my Dad was able to come visit and meet Connor for the first time. They had a great time together! We were so glad he was able to visit and wish he could have stayed longer.

And Jon had a good time visiting too...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Here he is!

Ok so everyone has been giving me crap about not posting on Connor yet. I have just been completely wrapped up in spending all my time with him and any extra time I get is spent working so blogging has been far from the top of my to do list!

Anyways, we are absolutely in love with the little guy! He is an AMAZING baby. So sweet and mellow! THANK YOU! I could definitely spend every minute of the day just holding him and staring at every little movement he makes.